Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Littlecake's Book Nook - Book #1 Friday Night Knitting Club

As I mentioned previously my goal for 2011 is to slowly eat thru my stacks of unread books by reading 2 a I thought I'd share...these are not reviews...just my little take on sharing the scoop on my latest read.

The first on January's list was The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs
The story of a single mom, her knitting shop, her 12 year old daughter, betrayals and love lost... good friends, old friends, rolled cozily into a not so tightly wound ball of yarn. This is a light read, not a classic, nothing amazing, just an easy read. Enjoyed it enough...but not a fave.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The start of a new year...

Happy New Year!
The ringing in of a new year always leaves me with a nostalgic sense of wonder combined with a healthy sense of optimism as I look upon that crisp path to a fresh start- the clean slate...getting more sleep...doing more blogging...eating "more" -you know this song!

This month is just flying a start 2011!
Ciao' 2010 - per my norm the old year brought many changes with it , this seems to be my current life trend as of the last few horizons just keep getting broader- in a good way I think. It seems to me that every time I get used to the dance, someone changes the song again!

I am thrilled with all of the lovely new memories, new friends and new experiences. 2010 brought with it some much needed reconciliations, a dash of- tell it like it is, and sprinkle of - some things put to bed for good. There was a good measure of fear thrown into 2010 just to shake it up a bit, sometimes just a bit of that can help remind you, how much you appreciate things...your health...your friends...your family (just in case somewhere down the road you didn't notice you'd failed to be appreciative of these oh so special things.)

2010 left me with a nice sense of accomplishment -as I've kept several promises to myself last year(broke a few too)... I promised myself I would participate in my first craft show... and I did...TWO- as a matter of fact! I promised to live more creatively last year...and I was a homemade christmas and some! I promised myself to learn to sew and I did....well sort of...a wonky seam or two, but loving it!

2011 is off to a fair start...
I am promising myself to blog at least twice a month
I am promising myself to eat 2 books a month, and banishing them from my home once read (unless it's a true keeper). I am a self confessed bookaholic. The books, all of the lovely books are invading my planet... my mantra : read it and pass it on.
I have other promises to me...but those are just for me...we'll see how they come to fruition...only I can dream my dreams...